The Rapture The Rapture - The Vast

something's quite not right
again sleep escapes me, far away
you're the whisper in the back of my head
teething, serrated and smiling

knee-deep in this hopeless wreckage
a heartbreak
to tear me apart
swallowed by the vast, all-consuming
demanding you here

this uncontrollable hell
a lightless abode
a sleepless complete black
where ghosts come to me
through every hole
in each and every wall

wish i could just sleep
wish i could explain
wish i could change the way of things
wish i would fall away

it's a slow closure
a cold shape crawling behind me
a storm approaching
a darkness always closer
i ever thought it could
can never see it coming

the world i'm in is empty
outside i think i choke
somehow i can't help thinking
there is no place for me

(the noise in my head won't leave)

"all fled--all done
so lift me on the pyre
the feast is over
and the lamps expire."